October 2024

Surprise, Surprise - Cambridge Grove Couple Thrilled by Family Visit

Surprise, Surprise - Cambridge Grove Couple Thrilled by Family Visit

Devoted Cambridge Grove couple Alan and June Overton were overcome with delight when their family turned up from Canada for a surprise visit.

The 88-year-olds were soon catching up on all the latest news when they welcomed their family from Vancouver.

Alan and June’s nephew, Peter Lyon, aged 55, and his wife Leah were amongst the visitors. They hadn’t seen each other for 18 months. 

Sadly, Peter’s mum and Alan’s sister, Heather, passed away last May, so it allowed them to spend some time reminiscing about the good times they’d all had together over the years.

Also joining the family trip was Alan and Leah’s son Arie Neu and his girlfriend Dani – who were meeting Alan and June for the first time.

Alan said: “It’s wonderful to see the family, especially as life is so busy, and although we see our daughters quite a lot, it was a wonderful surprise to see my nephew and his family.

“It’s been a very special trip.”

The family gathered at Cambridge Grove along with June and Alan’s daughter, Liz Edwards, granddaughter Jess Parry and great-granddaughter Grace.

Jess and baby Grace live in nearby Ickleton, so they are lucky enough to see their treasured family regularly, whilst daughter Liz lives in Little Chesterford, so also visits often.

Former Royal Marine Alan added: “It’s been nearly two years since we saw Peter and Leah - let’s hope we don’t wait so long to see one another again, although it’s quite a trip to get here from Vancouver to Cambridge!”

During their visit to Cambridge Grove, the home team served up a delicious Sunday roast as the family enjoyed their reunion.